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Affordable Connectivity Program

Congress recently created the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a new, long-term $14 billion program that will replace the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program). Households enrolled in the EBB Program as of 12/31/21 will continue to receive their current monthly benefit during a 60-day transition period.

Watch the video above and learn how you can claim your FREE Wifi Hotspot & FREE High Speed Internet Service in Less Than 10 Minutes! 

Crystal Clear High Definition Video

Ultra-Fast Speeds Across Multiple Devices

Round The Clock Internet Access

To receive a free smartphone and monthly service, you or anyone in your household, a child or dependent included, must meet the income-based or program-based eligibility guidelines. The program is limited to one ACP benefit per household.

Qualifying programs include:

  • Medicaid / Medi-Cal
  • SNAP / CalFresh
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance or Section 8
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
  • National School Breakfast and Lunch Program
  • Veteran and Survivors Pension Benefit
  • WIC
  • and more

Customers who also qualify for Lifeline receive unlimited talk & text + free international calling to select countries.

Enrollment Is Easy And It's FREE

This new benefit will connect eligible households to more job opportunities, critical healthcare services, virtual classrooms and so much more!